Monday, March 10, 2008

Counterfeited Money

1. Q: Can you explain how one can tell that rupiah banknotes are genuine?
A: It’s easy and simple. Members of the public can distinguish the security features of the rupiah just as explained in the public service ads broadcast by Bank Indonesia on television and published in the print media. These ads are designed around the 3-D jingle, i.e., Dilihat (See), Diraba (Feel) and Diterawang (Hold up to the light). See means that any cash one receives should be inspected to see whether it is counterfeit or genuine. If the authenticity is still in doubt after a visual check, try feeling for texture. Genuine banknotes will feel different to counterfeit ones. What is the difference? When gently rubbed, the paper can be distinguished by quality. The banknote surface will have a slightly rough texture. Then, when held up to the light, genuine notes will display security features: a watermark and a security thread or ribbon.If further assurance is needed to distinguish genuine from counterfeit, the note can be examined using a simple device such as an ultraviolet (UV) light. A note illuminated with UV will very clearly show up the security features, such as a glowing image and serial numbers. These are not found perfectly on counterfeited notes. Alternatively, one can use a magnifying glass or loupe, which will also help in clearly identifying the security features on genuine notes.

2. Q: Is it true that each genuine rupiah note has a number of security features?
A: First, it should be understood that not all rupiah banknotes have the same number of security features. The larger the denomination, the more security features are used. Nevertheless, the security features incorporated into each denomination are generally similar. Only the design is different.

3. Q: Where do we find the security features on genuine rupiah banknotes and what are the designs like?
A: One way of distinguishing genuine rupiah currency is by the material used. That means that anyone can immediately tell the difference between the material used to make genuine rupiah banknotes, which feels different to counterfeited notes. The banknote paper is a special kind, not like the paper widely available to the public. Members of the public can also discern by quality of printing. Genuine rupiah banknotes are printed to a visibly excellent quality standard. On the other hand, counterfeit money can be easily distinguished by printing quality, with notes sometimes having a dull, inferior appearance. In essence, counterfeit money is marked by poor quality printing. Other security features providing a standard for the public are the design and dimensions of banknotes. At a glance, counterfeited notes do look similar in quality of design. However, if examined closely, important differences will appear. The design quality in counterfeited notes is very low. Likewise, physical dimensions are frequently not the same as for genuine rupiah banknotes

4. Q: If one discovers rupiah currency of doubtful authenticity, what should be done?
A: If any member of the public comes into possession of rupiah currency seriously doubted for its authenticity, despite having used the simple 3-D process, confirmation can be obtained by visiting the nearest commercial bank or a Bank Indonesia representative office, which can be found in many urban centres. How? It is easy. Upon arriving at a BI office, just fill in a form for clarification of rupiah authenticity, attaching the rupiah banknotes of doubtful authenticity as evidence. BI will respond within 14 working days after receiving the clarification form.

5. Q: Will BI provide refund for counterfeit money discovered by the public?
A: BI will not provide any refund for counterfeit money. Accordingly, BI constantly appeals to the public to understand properly how to distinguish authentic rupiah currency in order not to suffer losses. Any counterfeit notes taken to BI will be handed over to the police for further action. Counterfeiting is categorised as a very serious crime because of its potential to threaten a nation’s economic stability.

6. Q: What steps does BI take to combat counterfeiting and to keep counterfeit money out of circulation?
A: To combat counterfeiting, BI takes a two-fold approach. The first approach is preventive. For example, BI disseminates information on security features through direct contact with the public in its public education programme on authenticity of the rupiah. BI is also active in communicating messages and information through public service advertising in national and local print media and electronic media, such as on television stations. Second are law enforcement actions against counterfeiters, including networks circulating counterfeit money. BI cooperates with other law enforcement agencies such as the police, the Anti-Counterfeiting Coordination Agency (Botasupal) and the attorney-general’s office. Needless to say, active cooperation from the public will be of great value to BI and law enforcement agencies in their efforts to combat counterfeiting crimes. (*)


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